Monday, May 25, 2009

My Boys

It was cowboy day at Gray's school--here he is all dressed up!!
The boys went to one of there friends birthday party
I took this picture because it was so sweet how Marion was helping out Grayson!

My sweet boys!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Our Day at the Zoo!!!

I went to the zoo with his class--after we walked around,seemed like hours:),we had a nice picnic.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My trip to Mommy's house in Maine

Last summer was a sad time.My Mommy passed away.You always dread the day that a parent dies-and when it actually happens,it is so much harder than what you could ever imagine!!!!It is hard so many days because I am wanting to pick the phone up and call her and wanting to see her.She is not here,I cant hear her voice or see her again,that makes me sad.The one thing that has gotten me through, is in the promise that our Lord gives to us each and everyday-that is- the hope,life,victory,and excitement of the place He has for us in Heaven!!!! It will be such a glorious place that we cant even wrap our brains around,nor should we try!!!!The song I have playing on the post right now is by Chris Tomlin-it talks of a peace beyond all understanding,for what we know is to be true,is that--Jesus has overcome,the grave is overwhelmed,He is our rock and salvation-because of this,it is well with our soul!!Listen to this song---it is a comfort in time of great loss.(I am having trouble putting it on the playlist-may or maynot be on there) I know for sure that Mommy is walking with Jesus,old and new saints,and all of the family that has gone before her.But above all-she has left behind the sorrow,pain,disappointment,regret,mourning,and crying of this world!!I take great joy in this!!!!! I miss her dearly,yet know she is in such a beautiful place!!!
The plane trip was a hard one-actually seeing me and Phillippe flying into Maine was very hard.
When we arrived at Mommys house,that was most difficult.Something that was good for me as well.Here is Jake,Mommys husband and his daughter,Jody.They made us Maine lobsters the first night we were there.
Jake putting a lobster to sleep.
Me and Jake.
Lobsters---before and after!!
Here we are at our feast.We had a great time!!!Lots of laughter and family time--both what we needed.
Here we are with Jody--it was so good getting to know her-we had a good time with her.
The second night we we there,we met with my dads cousin that we had never met before---Chris,and her husband,Cliff and their daughter Meagan!!
The third night we made chalupas and the works and Chris,Cliff,and Meagan came over.
Here i am cutting up lettuce!!
Susan,Cliff,and Jody.

Phillippe cleaned up Mommys garden--one of her biggest loves--her garden!!!!!!!
Mommy and Jakes sweet house!!!
Mommy and Jake loved to sit outside and enjoy nature--here is a spot they would sit.
It was very healing to be at her house-very rough at first,but it ended up being what we all needed-she left behind 8 wonderful children--and we will pass on to our children the gifts that she has given to us!! We love you,Mommy!!!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Boys Cooking!

I try to get the boys in the kitchen to have them help me cook-they love it and it is so good for them! Here we are cooking tacos-they did everything,even set the table.The stool that Gray is standing on is his stool---it helps him and he loves being close to the counter.
The boys then made brownies to take to a friends house--they did everything all the way down to licking the bowl!!!!! The brownies actually tasted good!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Alec's Birthday Party!!

We went to one of Gray's friends,Alec, birthday party.It was so great because it was the simple party with hamburgers,pin-the-tail-on the donkey,pinata,and treasure hunt.It was much more personal than the normal party that you go and rent the place for a few hundred dollars and miss out on sweet fellowship.Grayson did not know that his girlfriend was going to be there--he was very surprised and pleased,to say the least!!!!! When i went outside to take this picture-i counted to 3-well,right when i said 3-he put his arm on Alyssa!!LIL' sly boy!!!
Pin-the-tail on the donkey.
They had a blast busting the pinata!!
They had a treasure hunt,Marion read the clues for the kids.
Here they are still searching having so much fun!!!
Almost found it!!!!
My babies are so sweet-just really don't think i could love them anymore!!!!!
The party crew!!
Happy Birthday,Alec!!!!!