Monday, August 25, 2008

First day of school!!

My wonderful babies!!!!!
Samson weighing in at about 110lbs-11months old-
The only picture Marion would let me get in front of school-I know,I know,he is in I still wanted a picture of my baby in front of his school.
Here is Marion running in his school.

First day in Kindergarten

On the way to school was great.NO worries...Its when he gets around a large crowd of people-he has anxiety-he gets very shy and shuts down until he is comfortable.
This is when the anxiety hits.I wanted him to take a picture in front of the sign,but he would have none of it!!!!
He hid behind this door for a few minutes-his teacher Mrs.Watson had to bring him into the room.That took a couple of minutes.
After sitting with him for about 15 minutes,he was good.I was able to leave after about 20 min.He was comfortable when I left.
Me and my precious baby!!!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Singing in the rain(sort of)

It was pouring!!!!!!!! Mar and Gray were playing in the rain and i had to get a couple of shots.Here they are standing in one of Samsons holes that he dug.(I've got to get a picture of Samson-so you can see how big he has gotten!!!!)

94 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!

Grandpa from lifegroup on Sunday nights turned 94!!He is such an inspiration to all of us because of the life he has lived,his wit,character and just being such a great grandpa!!He has a very special place in my heart because he reminds me so much of my dad!!!

Our Lil Vacation

My AWESOME CRAZY friend Stephanie-most of you know her as my photographer friend ,has a lakehouse on Lake Striker in Rusk and let us go there for a couple of days.It was a great lil get away.

They loved jumping off the pier!!
My beautiful Marion!
Happy Gray during our walk.


Almost Heaven!

Here is the lakehouse at sunset when Grayson and I met Steph and her parents there one weekend while Steph and i shot a wedding.
Yes,this is with my point and shoot!!!!!!!!Can you believe?!!!
Baby Kate(Stephs daughter) and her Grandpa!

Grayson and Kate running on the peer-

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Vacation with Grandmommie

Grandmommie took us to schlitterbaughn in Galveston and the we went to see Kemah wich was awesome.My best friend of 22 years met us there-that was awesome!!

We went to Joes Crab Shack after the waterpark.

The Aquarium at Kemah

Ker-Bear with her babes-
Aunt MeMe with the boys

Kemah Boardwalk

Here are my best friends kids-Maddi and camden with Gray

Tims boy,Derreck and Mar

Still Celebrating!

At the park-
This is Tims and Aimees daughter Jesicca from Minessota-She is such a sweetheart!!She turned 15 when she was down here.
I love this picture of her!!!
At the resturant-we had fun!


This was at Tristans and gratsons birthday party-since their birthdays are three weeks apart


so sorry to be throwing all of this this together and not much explanation-try to enjoy anyway.

We went to the spray park in Tyler
Tim and Aimees family-we had gone to the park
Gray and Tristan dancing
The boys watching a movie with grandmommie and grandpa
Me and my first baby!!!!